Friday, September 3, 2010

The Dealers' Room dash

The Dealers' Room - actually three dealers' rooms and a silent art auction - opened at 1 p.m. Friday. I got down there around 2:30 p.m. and dove straight in.

The Dealers' rooms, I guess as they should be called, are a bit of a crap shoot. Some years they're great. You'll find tons of stuff you want and not be able to afford all of it.

This year wasn't like that. The guys from Troll and Toad, a company that sells lots of board games, isn't here this year. That means the hunt through shelves and shelves of cool board games was just a wash.

There may be games for sale in open gaming, but I haven't made it over there yet. Stay tuned.

What was really cool, though, is that people are already in costume as they stroll around
looking at stuff. And, yes, I've already seen my first slave girl Leia. I also saw a really good David Tennant Doctor Who along with sidekick Rose.

Keep coming back for pics. Again, I'm having trouble getting them off my camera and onto the laptop.

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